The Samsung vs Apple patent trial came to a close, and the final decision is about how do we get: Samsung were found to infringe on many of Apple's patents, including all Apple software patents, patents, as well as commercial as Apple's iPhone and iPhone 3 g. Even worse (for Samsung) is as the jury found that none of the devices Apple has infringed on Samsung's patents and now Samsung has Apple just over 1 billion dollars. Nilay Patel from The Verge breaks the decision and tells us what it really means to the smartphone ecosystem as a whole.
TUAW has a nice summary of patents, what they mean, and how did the jury. Two things stand out: how many Samsung devices there are actually, and of those, how many devices were actually involved in experimentation.
Apple and Samsung have released press statements after the verdict was handed down. Apple's statement is simple: Samsung copied them, and they got what was coming. Samsung, however, takes a different approach, saying that "today's verdict should not be seen as a victory for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer."
Apparently not satisfied by simply copying Apple products, Samsung has decided to copy their retail stores, too: and right in our back yard! Samsung new retail store in Sydney looks suspiciously similar to our favorite fruit stand, right down to the blue shirts.
The iPad smaller which is on everyone's lips will reportedly called mini iPad, according to the Japanese blog Macotakara. The same blog also believes that the new iPod nano will be offering free Wi-Fi in order to support iTunes in the Cloud.
Different sources have pointed out that most likely the next iPad will debut at an event in September * but not the event announcing the next iPhone, which has not been officially announced by Apple, but it should happen on 12 September. Instead, the iPad will have its own announcement event, now that is said to happen in October.
Apple Vice President of Internet Software and services spoke regarding the Apple TV. If you're looking for a spare TV anytime soon, don't wait for Apple to release one: according to Eddy Cue, "an Apple TV appears extremely unlikely in the short term".
Mountain Lion battery life has been hit and Miss, but the 10.8.1 update was supposed that all difficulties. He did it? The Mac Observer suspect, putting together a nice battery life comparison on Lion, mountain lion, and the recently released update 10.8.1.
By the way, the second update of mountain lion was seeded to developers at the end of last week, and is the first to include integration with Facebook. AppleInsider has a look at this Facebook integration, which consists mainly of a Facebook option in the share menu all the operating system.
After the verdict was handed down, Tim Cook Apple addressed employees, echoing the same sentiments as the original press release. Is a cross-section of company culture that is Apple; be proud of the work I do and value things such as originality and innovation.
MacStories reviews 2 things with Cloud sync. 2 things for Mac and iOS is a version that isn't a huge change for general things GTD methodology, but there are a few nice changes through both applications, little touches here and there.
Evernote has teamed up with Moleskine to create physical notebook with a digital flavour: their Smart Notebook has just announced the couples notes analog digital world. And if you want to know more about Evernote, you should read excellent article James ' (and associated with Jared rebuttal).